6-week challenge

  • 1) Promotion is available until 31 Dec 2023.

    2) Each 6-week Challenge Plan (the Plan) contains six (6) weekly credit packs with following breakdown:
    - Two (2) cardio or dance class credits
    - One (1) strength class credit, and
    - One (1) mind & body class credit

    3) The Plan holder will receive first week’s credit packs immediately after purchase. Remaining credit packs will be dispatched within next 24 hours.

    4) Each weekly credit pack are only valid for the designated week, any unused credits will be forfeited. The Plan could not be extended in anyhow except doctor certificate is provided.

    5) Class credits from this Plan are NOT eligible to off-set the fees for specialty workshops.

    6) The Plan holders could participate Class Combo Challenge with walk-in basis, plan holder do not need to book the second class. Please register your interest of attending the second combo class during your check-in.

    7) The Plan holder can enjoy a special class rate of $140 per class during the 6-week Challenge period.

    8) The Plan holders with active Flexi Credit Pack upon purchasing will receive four (4) weeks extension on their Flexi Credit Pack.

    9) Monthly plan holders will have their monthly plan suspended during the six-week challenge, during that time, monthly plan holders will not be able to enjoy monthly plan special class rate.

    10) Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer or corporate discount.

    11) 6-week Challenge Plan purchases and associated offers are non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

    12) Any dispute connected in any way with this promotion will be resolved by TeamX at its absolute discretion.

    13) Where there is conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the English version prevails.

  • 1)優惠期至2023年12月31日。

    2)每個6-week Challenge挑戰計劃(挑戰計劃)包含六(6)個每週課堂點數包, 每個課堂點數包詳情如下:
    - 兩(2)個Cardio (有氧)或Dance(跳舞)課堂點數
    - 一(1)個Strength(負重)課堂點數
    - 一(1)個Mind & Body(身心靈)課堂點數




    6)挑戰計畫持有人Class Combo Challenge 時只需預約組合中的其中一堂, 並在簽到時在接待處登記第二堂,名額有限,滿額即止。


    8)參與者如持有Flexi Credit Pack,該套票有效期會於購買挑戰計畫後順延4個星期。

    9)如果參與者已經持有月費計劃, 該月費計劃會在挑戰計畫生效時暫停,並不能享受月費計劃尊享追加優惠。


    11)已購買的6-week Challenge挑戰計劃當中之服務及禮遇不可退款及不可兌換現金。



  • Cardio & Dance Classes
    Advanced Step, BodyAttack, BodyCombat, BodyJam, BodyStep, FreeStep Step (Level 1), Jazz Funk, PomPom Dance Fitness, Zumba

    Strength Classes
    BodyPump, Booty Barre, TRX Suspension Training, XSlim HIIT

    Mind & Body Classes
    Aerial Yoga, Aroma Yoga, BodyBalance, Detox & Slim Yoga, Hatha Yoga, PIlates, Relaxing Yoga Stretch, Stick Mobility, TRX Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Wheel Yoga, Yin Yang, Yin Yoga, Yoga Stretch, Yogalates


Promotion for 2023 Consumption Voucher


Easter Doga Workshop